How to call Java method
The syntax for calling a Java method from C++ is the following:
AndroidNativeUtils::CallJavaStaticMethod<RETURN_TYPE>(CLASS_NAME, METHOD_NAME, ARGUMENTS);
- RETURN_TYPE: the return type of the method
- CLASS_NAME: the name of the Java class containing the method
- METHOD_NAME – the name of the method to call
- ARGUMENTS – the arguments to pass to the method (list of supported arguments)
Specific example
Suppose we have a simple method in a Java file named
here to concatenate two strings:
public class StringOperations {
public static String ConcatenateStrings(String Str1, String Str2)
String ReturnString = Str1 + Str2;
return ReturnString;
To call this method, use the following C++ code:
FString Str1 = TEXT("String 1");
FString Str2 = TEXT("String 2");
FString ConcatenatedString = AndroidNativeUtils::CallJavaStaticMethod<FString>("com/Plugins/AndroidNative/StringOperations", "ConcatenateStrings", Str1, Str2);
P.S. If you encounter a runtime error when calling your function, please refer to this page.