Runtime Files Downloader is an open-source plugin for downloading files over HTTP / HTTPS at runtime.
How to use
If you need to save a file to storage, then you need to call DownloadFileToStorage function.
If you do not need to save the file, but just get access to the downloaded content, then you need to call DownloadFileToMemory function.
Optionally, you can specify the type of file to download by entering a MIME type in the Content Type
A list of the most common MIME types is listed here.
After the download has started, you can cancel it using the CancelDownload function.
Please note that starting from UE 5.4, the Timeout parameter behaves in a way that cancels the request during the download itself if the overall time taken for downloading exceeds the Timeout, which is somewhat a bug in UE. Please either specify a large value (such as 3600 seconds, which is 1 hour) or specify it as zero to disable the Timeout completely.
Live example
There is an example of a simple Android game that demonstrates the plugin's ability.