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Android Native Documentation

Android Native is a plugin that makes it easy to call Java functions via JNI from Unreal Engine C++. It uses template metaprogramming to automatically generate JNI signatures and handle type conversions, wrapping all JNI environment management into a single function call.

How to install

Select and download the release for the required engine version, extract the archive into your plugins project folder to get the following path: "[ProjectName] / Plugins / AndroidNative". Afterward, regenerate the project files and rebuild the project.

Basic internal description

The plugin uses JNI (Java Native Interface) to communicate C++ with Java.

Java method call example

Java (placed here)

public class DeviceInfo {
public static String GetUniqueID(Activity activity) {
return Settings.Secure.getString(activity.getContentResolver(), Settings.Secure.ANDROID_ID);


FString UniqueID = AndroidNativeUtils::CallJavaStaticMethod<FString>("com/Plugins/AndroidNative/DeviceInfo", "GetUniqueID", FAndroidGameActivity());

Additional Resources