Export audio
After importing a sound wave, you may want to export it to memory or a file in one of the supported formats: OGG VORBIS, OGG OPUS WAV, BINK, RAW (PCM). If needed, you can also override the sample rate (i.e., resample) and number of channels (i.e., mix).
Note that exporting to BINK format is only supported on Windows x64, Mac, and Linux in UE >= 5.0.
- Blueprint
- C++
// Assuming ImportedSoundWave is a UE reference to a UImportedSoundWave object (or its derived type, such as UStreamingSoundWave, UCapturableSoundWave, etc.)
// Export the sound wave to a file
URuntimeAudioExporter::ExportSoundWaveToFile(ImportedSoundWave, TEXT("C:/ExportedAudio.ogg"), ERuntimeAudioFormat::OggVorbis, 100,
FOnAudioExportToFileResultNative::CreateWeakLambda(this, [this](bool bSucceeded)
// Handle the result
// Export the sound wave to a RAW file
URuntimeAudioExporter::ExportSoundWaveToRAWFile(ImportedSoundWave, TEXT("C:/ExportedAudio.raw"), ERuntimeRAWAudioFormat::UInt16,
FOnAudioExportToFileResultNative::CreateWeakLambda(this, [this](bool bSucceeded)
// Handle the result
// Export the sound wave to a buffer
URuntimeAudioExporter::ExportSoundWaveToBuffer(ImportedSoundWave, ERuntimeAudioFormat::Wav, 100,
FOnAudioExportToBufferResultNative::CreateWeakLambda(this, [this](bool bSucceeded, const TArray64<uint8>& AudioData)
// Handle the result
// Export the sound wave to a RAW buffer
URuntimeAudioExporter::ExportSoundWaveToRAWBuffer(ImportedSoundWave, ERuntimeRAWAudioFormat::Float32,
FOnAudioExportToBufferResultNative::CreateWeakLambda(this, [this](bool bSucceeded, const TArray64<uint8>& AudioData)
// Handle the result