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Play audio

To play an imported sound wave, use the same functions as you would for a regular one. For instance, use the PlaySound2D or Play function from an audio component such as Sound Cue.

Various examples of playing a sound wave

To rewind the playback time of the sound wave, use the RewindPlaybackTime function.

An example of rewinding playback of a sound wave for 12.5 seconds

Additionally, in UE versions up to 4.27, if you want to start playback from a specific time greater than 0, you must use the RewindPlaybackTime function beforehand. Otherwise, the sound may not play back correctly due to internal engine issues handling procedural waves. This issue has been resolved in the engine since version 5.0.

To get the current playing time of the sound wave, use the GetPlaybackTime or GetPlaybackPercentage functions. You can also obtain the duration of the sound wave by using the GetDuration function.

Get Playback Time and Get Playback Percentage nodes

To determine whether the sound wave is currently playing, you can use the IsPlaying function.

Is Playing node

To check if the sound wave has finished playing, you can use the IsPlaybackFinished function.

Is Playback Finished node

You can stop the sound wave playback by using the StopPlayback function. Please note that it is recommended to stop the sound wave playback using external means (e.g., by calling Stop on the audio component) and to use this function only if external means are not available. Also, take in mind that this function does not work for playback from MetaSounds.

Stop Playback node

To track the end of audio playback, bind to the OnAudioPlaybackFinished delegate.

An example of binding to the OnAudioPlaybackFinished delegate

You can manually clear the audio data using the ReleaseMemory function. It is not recommended to do manually, but it can be useful if you have disabled the garbage collector.

Release Memory node