Get Downloaded Voice Model Names
Get names of all downloaded voice models
- Blueprint
- C++
TArray<FName> DownloadedVoiceModelNames = URuntimeTTSLibrary::GetDownloadedVoiceModelNames();
Get Voice Model From Name
Get a voice model object from its name
- Blueprint
- C++
FName VoiceModelName = TEXT("English (United States) - Ryan (High)"); // Assuming this is a valid voice model name
TSoftObjectPtr<URuntimeTTSModel> VoiceModel;
if (URuntimeTTSLibrary::GetVoiceModelFromName(VoiceModelName, VoiceModel))
// VoiceModel is now a valid voice model object
Get Voice Metadata From Model
Get metadata for a specific voice model
- Blueprint
- C++
URuntimeTTSModel* VoiceModel; // Assuming this is a valid voice model object
FTTSVoiceMetadata VoiceMetadata;
if (URuntimeTTSLibrary::GetVoiceMetadataFromModel(VoiceModel, VoiceMetadata))
// VoiceMetadata is now populated with the metadata of the voice model
Get Voice Metadata From Name
Get metadata for a voice model using its name
- Blueprint
- C++
FName VoiceModelName = TEXT("English (United States) - Ryan (High)");
FTTSVoiceMetadata VoiceMetadata;
if (URuntimeTTSLibrary::GetVoiceMetadataFromName(VoiceModelName, VoiceMetadata))
// VoiceMetadata is now populated with the metadata of the voice model
Get Voice Model Name From Metadata
Convert voice metadata to its corresponding model name
- Blueprint
- C++
FTTSVoiceMetadata VoiceMetadata; // Assuming this is a populated voice metadata struct
FName VoiceModelName;
if (URuntimeTTSLibrary::GetVoiceModelNameFromMetadata(VoiceMetadata, VoiceModelName))
// VoiceModelName is now populated with the name of the voice model
Get Speaker Count From Voice Model
Get the number of speakers available in a voice model
- Blueprint
- C++
URuntimeTTSModel* VoiceModel; // Assuming this is a valid voice model object
int32 NumOfSpeakers;
if (URuntimeTTSLibrary::GetSpeakerCountFromVoiceModel(VoiceModel, NumOfSpeakers))
// NumOfSpeakers is now populated with the number of speakers in the voice model
Get Speaker Count From Model Name
Get the number of speakers available in a voice model using its name
- Blueprint
- C++
FName VoiceModelName = TEXT("English (United States) - Ryan (High)");
int32 NumOfSpeakers;
if (URuntimeTTSLibrary::GetSpeakerCountFromModelName(VoiceModelName, NumOfSpeakers))
// NumOfSpeakers is now populated with the number of speakers in the voice model